Overall the build went very well. Everything fits where it should and there was plenty of space for fingers to move around and pop everything into the right places. For a midsize case this chassis feels almost a little larger than it actually measures, this is always a good thing.
As far as cable management goes we had no issues either, the concaved vertical chamber provided ample room for us to route our cables neat and tidy. Also the protruding portion of the cover allowed us to easily pop the cover back on without having to fidget too much and realign too much.
There are a few things they could work on such as being able to replace the 5.25″ drive and PCI-E slot covers that brake off for use, but that shouldn’t deter you from the case. As well as making the 3.25″ drive bay stack removable for more air flow if unused would be a great idea. Regardless, a few small flaws haven’t stopped us from continuing to enjoy this case and we hope you enjoy the In Win 703 as well.
To wrap things up, the 703 is a pretty solid, reliable case for its price. With oversized space for graphics cards and up to seven PCI expansions, not to mention the ample space for drives of all sizes In Win has balanced comfort and price without sacrificing space or integrity. In Win’s 703 is well deserving of our Top Value Award for a premium chassis at a good price point!
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Review Overview
Visual Appeal
Ease of Assembly
Build Quality
Well Done!
While the In Win 703 has a few things to be worked on, all in all we still found it to be a great deal.